
December 29, 2011

Dalat, a resort ideal for the Christmas holiday with his family in Vietnam

Dalat is a tourist attraction of the romantic city of Vietnam.Located on the high mountains to Dalat reasonable climate year-round cool, so even in a tropical country but Dalat is a temperate climate. In the first half of the 20th century, the French engineers had built the city as a model for resorts with beautiful natural scenery.

With the consistency in the implementation of the idea of ​​building a resort, the French architect who had features of the urban architecture of Da Lat. An ancient architecture and represents the old Dalat Dalat train station to draw Facede first station, the architect of it is a law that has lived for some time to observe, study Dalat including the new design include, sloping roof is a visualization of the shape of great mountains of Lam Vien. With over 100 years of history of Dalat truly unique architectural diversity in style. The perfect combination between, flashy style of French design and the temple to take the opportunity of Southeast Asia and the works of local people has created a dreamy Da Lat and the ancient novel. Here are some related parameters

Dalat has many large universities in Vietnam and called Dalat University, School of Engineering Yersin ...

Rich and varied. There is a large plateau as Langbiang, waterfalls, mountains, lakes such as Ho Xuan Huong romantic.Abundant vegetation, especially known for the beautiful flowers of the temperate zone.

Conditions of travel:
Since beginning the construction of the model is a tourist town, so the ability to provide services to tourists is very thorough and complete

As in the high mountains, there is no direct airport here. The airport is near Da Lat Lien Khuong Airport is the second largest airport in South Vietnam. Located about 28km from Da Lat. After leaving the airport, visitors can travel by car to Dalat and enjoy the natural beauty of that time.

Every year thousands of tourists at home and abroad to visit and relax here. Wish you have interesting options for Christmas time.

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